Hi, My Name is Saurav Kumar

I'm a UNLV graduate with a double Bachelor in Math and Computer Science. I'm Interested in Data Analytics and Data Science fields.

I've worked as a Data Structures Tutor breaking down complex problems while explaining solutions to undergraduates.

I'm also US Marine Corps Veteran with experience leading teams in highly stressful situations.


After High School, I joined United States Marine Corps as an Infantry Assualtman. Once I had completed my training, I was staitioned at Nellis Air-force Base in Las Vegas, Nevada.

After my 3rd year, My unit was deployed to Japan/Korea. At the time, I was 21 and had become a team leader encharge of training and leading a small-unit of marines. During preparation, I led my team of marines through live-fire operations conduncted on realistic terrain such as mountainous desert terrain and urban cities.

While overseas, I got to work with Japanese Defense Force and Republic of Korea(ROK) Marines conduncting joint operations over a course of few months. I also trained up to be become a brown-belt in Marine Corps Matrial Arts and trained in Jungle Warfare.


I began my studies at Collage of Southern Nevada pursuing an Associate of Science. During which, I began learning C++ prior to any Computer Science course while working as a part-time manager in my family business.

After my associates, I transferred to University of Nevada, Las Vegas to pursue a Bachelor in Math and Computer Science. Immediatly after completing my Data Structures and Algorithms course, I was hired as Computer Science Tutor at UNLV Academic Success Center.

For two years, I tutored over 30 students weekly in concepts such as array manipulation, linked lists, binary trees, hash maps, and graph traversal.


I've always had an interest in Math, in particular Statistics and Probability. I took multiple statistical courses where i learned topics including normal, poison, gamma, and beta distrubutions, linear/logistic regression, and Hypothesis Testing.

I also took mutiple data science/data analytics courses at UNLV to further expand my knowledge and skills. I took database managment systems where i used SQL. I also took machine learning and data mining over a year covering topics including Supervised Learning(KNN, SVM, regression, Decision Tree, neural network) and Unsupervised Learning(K-means, DBSCAN, Apriori).


I'm proficient in C/C++, Python, SQL, R. I also have experience using google colab, linux, HTML/CSS. I'm also familiar with machine learning algorithms and frameworks like TensorFlow,pandas,seaborn and Scikit-learn.

As for soft skills, I've taught as a Data Structures Tutor at UNLV for 2 years while pursuing both of my Bachelor degrees. So i'm very accustomed to public speaking while also being able to breaking down problems and conveying my thought process on problems.